请问版主怎样求开盘后9:00到9:30之间的最高价? [开拓者 TB]
- 咨询内容:
- TB技术人员:
可以参考这个 我在高手里面写的
Parameter: Length(30), Qty(1)
Var: BarNum(0), MBO_High(0)
If RealTime And LastBaronchart Then
print("-- Caution --")
print("This Indicator is designed only for purpose of simulation MBO Strategy.")
print("It doesn't work properly on realtime because 'SetExitOnClose' Function is used.")
End if
If DataCompression = 2 Then
If D<>D[1] Then
BarNum = 0
MBO_High = C
MBO_Low = C
End IF
If opend(0) < 0 or BarIndex = 0 Then BarNum = -1
BarNum = BarNum + 1
If BarNum >= 1 And BarNum <= Length Then
If H >= MBO_High Then MBO_High = H
If L <= MBO_Low Then MBO_Low = L
End IF
If opend(0) >=0 And BarIndex <> 0 And BarNum > 1 Then
End If
If C > MBO_High And MarketPosition = 0 And BarNum > Length And ExitsToday(D) = 0 Then Buy Qty Contract next bar at market
If C < MBO_Low And MarketPosition = 0 And BarNum > Length And ExitsToday(D) = 0 Then Sell Qty Contract next bar at market
If Lastbaronchart Then print("This Indicator only works on minute bar data")
End If
可联系技术人员 QQ: 262069696 进行 有偿 编写!(不贵!点击查看价格!)